"Threads Intertwined Hold and Bind"
The African American Quilt and Doll Guild (AAQDG) welcomes you to our community of fabulous quilters and dollmakers. Our guild is unique, cultural, and filled with fabulous, friendly, and inspiring members who weave countless stories through the fabric. Ours is the purposeful journey of creating quilts and dolls which are inspired by African American history and culture.
You have a standing invitation to join us and share our joy as we together create beautiful works of art.
Once you join us, you might begin to say, “Sewing fills my heart and my days, not to mention the living room, bedroom, and closets."
What’s Going On . . .
On-going Outreach
Sacred Beginnings ministry of Grand Rapids, Michigan was founded by Leslie King, author of the book, When Angels Fight. She runs the ministry where she endeavors to rescue people (primarily women) from Human Trafficking. She herself was lured into prostitution at the age of 15. Clients come to her homeless and afraid. AAQDG provides quilts for the clients of one of the houses. Learn more about this organization at their website https://www.sbtp.org.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace (SHP) is a national organization that fully believes that a bed is a basic need for the proper physical, emotional, and mental support that a child needs. Their mission is to ensure that no kid sleeps on the floor in our town. AAQDG has partnered with Kalescha James, President of the East Cleveland chapter of SHP, to provide quilts for the beds they construct. Visit their website to learn more about the organization.
AAQDG Member Class Offerings - Warrensville Heights Senior Center
First Saturday of the Month 10:00AM – 1:00PM (no visitors)
Beginner’s Quilting Class
Sit and Sew (General Session)
Purse Session (Vivian Miller) - February
Circle Play (Helen Murrell) - March
Hexies (Theresa Brown) - April
Kawandi Quilt (Julius Bremer) - June
Hat (Pat Hasan) - September
Make Christmas / Kwanzaa Items (Evelyn Dorell) - October
Juneteenth / Kwanzaa Quilt Workshop - (Sandy Noble) - November
Special Projects:
Art House Project; a collaborative of quilters and dollmakers (Myrya Johnson)
Wednesday Group Block Project (Each one teach one)
KWANZAA Quilts and Zawadi Dolls
This second book by the AAQDG has a focus on Kwanza and acknowledges and celebrates the traditions of . . . . . . Read more.
2024 African American Quilt and Doll Show Catalog
A photo book of our 2024 Quilt and Doll Show with 200 quilts, dolls and wearables . . . Learn more.
Our books are available for purchase on Amazon.com
AAQDG Newsletter
AAQDG publishes a Newsletter several times throughout the year.
AAQDG Creating Relationship with SAQA
Members of the African American Quilt and Doll Guild met with Studio Art Quilt Associates (SAQA) for lunch in the Collinwood District. . . learn more in the December newsletter.
General Information
Membership Rates
The membership year runs from January through December and dues are $30 per year. Guild Membership Cards are provided. Email aaqdg@yahoo.com.
Monthly Meeting
Meetings are the first and third Saturday of each month except for the month of December. The meeting starts at 10:00 am and are in person and/or via ZOOM. Masks are required. If you are interested in attending a meet via ZOOM, but are not a member, contact us at aaqdg@yahoo.com prior to the day of the meeting.